Describe a stressful situation you had to endure. How did you calm yourself down? What are some other coping strategies you regularly use?  Stress can be one evil thing unless you know how to deal with it.  Life is always full of deadlines and procrastination should never be an option. I knew had a lot of homework to do and tests to study for but i always would put it off for another day and say well i'll just do that later. You know that feeling? Yeah well should should never do that. I was dealing with so much stress that everything had become so overwhelming to me. I began getting aalot of anxiety and didnt know how to deal with it. The only person that I could blame was myself. I was penalizing my grades and jeopardizing my future. Some ways that I calmed myself down was taking deep breaths in and out and finding anything to calm myself. My way to unwine was playing the piano.  Some of my other strategies were to get alot of sleep and to exercise at least once a day. I also made a schedule for when to do homework and to study so I won't get left behind and feel overwhelmed.  Any thoughts?

9/11/2012 05:15:05 am

How do I calm myself down? Haha I actually dont know, I guess by lsitening to music. When I am in stress, I feel as though I am loosing hair or am getting fat. But I would say by listening to music.

9/11/2012 10:17:56 am

Planning is the key to success. Planning also helps with stress because knowing what you are going to do and how you're going to do it is quite soothing for the mind.


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